Social Impact/Achievements


IFSO's projects have impacted their respective target groups their by the society at large in different perspectives. Here below we have tried to outline social impacts and/or achievements with regards to each project. More detail information is available in the annual reports of IFSO.

Community Mobilization and Child Well being at Amibara Woreda of Afar Project

Under the Community Mobilization and Child Wellbeing at Amibara Woreda of Afar Project a model community based Child care and education center is under construction to provide KG education and care for more than 80 children at Awash Arba town)    

Children Oasis- Sustainable Development for Children Project

Under the Children Oasis- Sustainable Development for Children Project a total of 1570(760 female and 810 male) children attended participation workshops. The children and youths of seven project sites organized self initiated activities in foot ball and conducted competition during vacation time.  A total of 195 health peer educators and 150 environmental peer educators were trained and they have been informing their peers about the issues. In the Ababa city administration nine springs were developed to improve the access of the community for clean potable water.